Anita Wadhwa

Anita Wadhwa is descended from Punjabi refugees and immigrants, is the mother of two daughters, and humbly resides on land which was originally inhabited by the Karankawa, Sana, Atakapa-Ishak, and Akokisa peoples. A high school teacher also trained as an educational sociologist, she has held roles as a restorative justice coordinator, assistant principal, and in school suspension teacher. Her book, Restorative Justice in Urban Schools: Disrupting the School to Prison Pipeline, analyzes the school to prison pipeline in a historical context, and explores how restorative justice – coupled with critical pedagogy focused on the political, social and economic structures that contribute to students’ schooling experiences – can transform relationships and create space for increased student engagement and political change.
Over ten years, Wadhwa has crafted a youth apprenticeship model of restorative justice in which students are trained in how to conduct peace circles. Her program was featured on National Public Radio’s Morning Edition the Huffington Post, and Texas Criminal Justice Coalition. Wadhwa has her Ed.D from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, an MFA in Creative Writing from Sarah Lawrence College, and a BA in English from the University of Houston.
"Anita did an introductory session on microaggressions in response to some student situations that had bubbled up...she also did a follow-up session that dove deeper into listening and responding. I like working with Anita because she is an experienced classroom teacher, so when she speaks to teachers it has an air of authenticity. She is also easy to plan with and delivers exactly what is agreed to. I recommend her enthusiastically!" - Tom Oden, The Awty International School

Areas of Expertise
Restorative Justice, Peace Circles, Youth Development, Implicit Bias, Critical Pedagogy
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Wadhwa is a restorative justice practitioner in Texas with years of experience on the ground as an RJ Coordinator who has developed youth restorative practitioners and leaders. She has trained nationally and presented on her research and practice at conferences around the world.
Anita Wadhwa Consulting offers virtual and in person training in restorative justice for individuals, organizations and institutions.
Recent Webinars:
Eastern Mennonite University, Spring 2023, RJ for Collective Liberation: Intergenerational Partnerships for Just and Equitable Schools
Simon Fraser University's Community-Engaged Research Initiative, Fall 2022, RJ for Collective Liberation: Intergenerational Partnerships for Just and Equitable Schools
Podcast on Wadhwa's chapter, "What do you want, reparations? Racial microaggressions and restorative justice,"​ from the anthology Colorizing Restorative Justice.
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